Staying Hydrated and Energized on Vacation


Traveling, whether for business or pleasure, is an adventure that takes us away from our daily routines and places us in unfamiliar surroundings. It’s an exciting experience, but it also presents our bodies with new challenges. One of the most important, yet frequently overlooked, is the requirement to stay hydrated and energized. This is especially important when we’re flying, where the dry cabin environment can cause us to lose approximately eight ounces of water per hour. Every hour we’re in the air, that’s a full cup of water gone.

Assume you’re on a long-haul flight from Dallas/Fort Worth to Sydney, which takes about 17 hours. That’s a whopping 136 ounces of water lost or more than a gallon! To compensate, you should drink a similar amount of water during the flight. Isn’t that a lot of trips to the tiny airplane restroom?

But hydration is more than just drinking water. It’s also about replenishing electrolytes, which are minerals that your body needs to function properly. And we all know how draining travel can be on our energy levels. With early morning flights, time zone changes, and nonstop sightseeing, it’s no surprise that we frequently return from vacations feeling like we need another vacation just to recover.

Advocare’s Rehydrate and Spark come into play here. These two products have been my go-to solutions for staying hydrated and energized not only while traveling but also on a daily basis. I drink them every day, and when I’m on the road, I drink them at least twice a day.

Rehydrate is an electrolyte-replacement drink that aids in the replenishment of minerals lost through sweating. It’s ideal for hot days spent exploring a new city or hiking up a mountain trail. Spark, on the other hand, is a one-of-a-kind combination of 20 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that work together to provide a healthy, balanced energy source. It’s my secret weapon for overcoming jet lag and keeping up with my hectic travel schedule.

To reduce the number of trips to the restroom, especially on long-haul flights, I’ve discovered a useful solution: Rehydrate Gel Packs. These little lifesavers have the same electrolyte-replacing power as the drink but in a more convenient, travel-friendly package. I always keep a couple in my carry-on to keep me hydrated without the need for frequent bathroom breaks.

So, as we embark on this journey together, I invite you to keep an open mind as we investigate the importance of hydration and energy during travel, as well as the role that Rehydrate and Spark can play. These are the tools that have helped me, and I believe they can help you have a more enjoyable and less exhausting travel experience. Let’s get started and learn how to make the most of our travels while staying hydrated and energized at all times.

The Importance of Staying Hydrated and Energized on Vacation

Long flights, temperature changes, and jam-packed itineraries can all be taxing on our bodies. It is critical to stay hydrated and energized while traveling in order to fully enjoy these experiences and maintain our health.

Hydration is about more than just quenching thirst. It is all about maintaining a fluid balance in your body, which is necessary for every single function it performs. Proper hydration aids digestion, keeps our skin healthy, lubricates our joints, and even aids in body temperature regulation. When we travel, our bodies lose fluids more quickly, especially in hot climates or at high altitudes, making hydration even more important.

In contrast, energy is the fuel that keeps us going. It’s what allows us to discover new cities, climb mountains, and make the most of our travel experiences. A well-energized body responds better to the physical demands of travel and recovers from fatigue more quickly after long days of exploration.

However, failing to stay hydrated and energized can result in a variety of problems. Dehydration can cause headaches, dizziness, and fatigue, all of which can ruin your vacation plans. Heatstroke, a serious condition that necessitates immediate medical attention, can occur in severe cases. Low energy levels, on the other hand, can leave you feeling tired, irritable, and unable to fully enjoy your trip. It can also weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses while on vacation, which is the last thing anyone wants.

So, as we travel to new places and experience new things, remember to take care of our bodies. Staying hydrated and energized is about more than just improving our travel experience; it’s also about ensuring our health and well-being no matter where our adventures take us.

General Tips for Staying Hydrated and Energized

Traveling is an exciting experience because it allows us to discover new places, meet new people, and immerse ourselves in different cultures. However, in the midst of the excitement and adventure, it is critical to remember to take care of our bodies. Staying hydrated and energized is essential for fully enjoying our travels and performing at our peak. Here are some general guidelines for staying hydrated and energized while on the go:

As the saying goes, “water is life,” and this couldn’t be more true when it comes to travel. Our bodies are roughly 60% water, and keeping this balance is critical for our overall health and well-being. Water helps to regulate our body temperature, keep our skin glowing, aids digestion, and even cushions our joints. We lose fluids more quickly when we travel, especially in hot climates or at high altitudes, making it even more important to drink plenty of water. Drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day is a good rule of thumb, but this can vary depending on the climate and your level of physical activity.

Eating regular meals and snacks is another important factor in remaining energized while traveling. It’s easy to skip meals or choose quick, less nutritious options when we’re on the go. However, our bodies require a steady supply of nutrients in order to produce the energy that keeps us going. Consume balanced meals that contain a variety of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. Snacks like nuts, fruits, and yogurt can provide a quick energy boost while also preventing hunger between meals.

Another important factor in maintaining energy levels is sleep. When we’re trying to fit in as much sightseeing as possible, it’s easy to skip out on sleep, but a lack of sleep can leave us feeling tired and sluggish. It can also weaken our immune systems, making us more susceptible to illness. Even when dealing with jet lag, try to maintain a regular sleep schedule as much as possible. A quick nap during the day can also help you recharge your batteries and keep going.

When you’re trying to conserve energy, exercise may seem counterintuitive, but regular physical activity can actually boost your energy levels. Exercise causes your blood to flow, which aids in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. It can also improve your mood and help you sleep. You don’t have to go to the gym to reap these advantages. Walking, cycling, and swimming are all examples of simple exercises. Even walking around a new city is a great way to get some exercise while traveling.

To summarize, staying hydrated and energized while traveling is all about striking a balance. It all comes down to drinking enough water, eating regular, nutritious meals, getting enough sleep, and including some physical activity in your daily routine. These may appear to be simple suggestions, but they can have a significant impact on how you feel while traveling. So, as you pack your bags for your next adventure, keep these healthy habits in mind. They will assist you in fully enjoying your travels and returning home feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Introducing Advocare’s Rehydrate and Spark

Traveling is an adventure — it takes us into the unknown and often leaves us with unforgettable memories. However, in order to fully enjoy these experiences, it is critical to stay hydrated and energized. Advocare’s Rehydrate and Spark come into play here. These two products have become an essential part of my daily routine, and they have significantly improved my travels.

My wife, who is not only an Advocare distributor but also one of their top performers, introduced me to the company. Her enthusiasm for the products and the difference they made in our lives inspired me to include them in my daily routine. Advocare has been in business for more than two decades. They are well-known for producing high-quality nutritional, weight-management, and sports performance products that are backed by cutting-edge scientific research and ingredients.

Advocare’s standout products are Rehydrate and Spark. Rehydrate is an electrolyte-replacement drink that aids in the replenishment of minerals lost through sweating. It’s ideal for hot days spent exploring a new city or hiking up a mountain trail. The drink is intended to aid in fluid absorption in the body in order to maintain optimal hydration and electrolyte balance, which is critical when traveling.

Spark, on the other hand, is a one-of-a-kind combination of 20 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that work together to provide a healthy, balanced energy source. It’s my secret weapon for overcoming jet lag and keeping up with my hectic travel schedule. Spark improves mental focus and provides long-lasting energy without the crash that most caffeinated drinks cause.

My personal routine for using these products is straightforward but effective. I drink them every day, and when I’m on the road, I drink them at least twice a day. I start my day with a glass of Spark in the morning to boost my energy levels. I keep a bottle of Rehydrate with me throughout the day, especially when I’m out and about, to ensure I’m replenishing those vital electrolytes.

This routine varies slightly when traveling. Because of the additional strain that travel places on the body, I increase my intake of both Rehydrate and Spark. This allows me to stay on top of my game by keeping me hydrated and energized so that I can make the most of my travels.

Advocare’s Rehydrate and Spark supplements have transformed my routine. They’ve kept me healthy and energized, allowing me to enjoy my travels to the fullest. As we continue to investigate the importance of staying hydrated and energized while traveling, I hope that my experiences with these products can provide some insight and assist you in making the most of your own adventures.

How Rehydrate Can Help Travelers Stay Hydrated

Traveling is an adventure that allows us to discover new places and immerse ourselves in different cultures. However, in order to fully enjoy these experiences, it is critical to stay hydrated. Advocare’s Rehydrate comes into play here. This electrolyte replacement drink has been a game changer for me and many other travelers, allowing us to stay hydrated even in the most difficult conditions.

Rehydrate is specifically designed to help the body absorb fluids. It has a good balance of electrolytes, carbohydrates, and antioxidants, which help replenish the body’s lost minerals and keep you hydrated. This is especially useful for travelers, who are frequently exposed to different climates and participate in physical activities that can result in increased fluid loss.

Many of my traveling companions have echoed the benefits of Rehydrate and have made it an essential part of their travel routine. That’s probably why I always bring extra stick packs when I travel. I occasionally feel like their dealer. “Hey BT, got any of that Spark or Rehydrate with you?” One user described how Rehydrate saved her life during a trip to the Taj Mahal. The weather was hot (around 108 degrees Fahrenheit), and the long walk was making us sweat profusely. We stayed hydrated and replenished our electrolytes by drinking Rehydrate throughout the tour. While we were at the Taj Mahal, one of my coworkers who was on the tour wandered off and became lost. He finally arrived a few hours later. He hadn’t been drinking Rehydrate and Spark like the rest of the group, but by the time we finished our tour of Agra’s Red Fort, he smelled worse than the camel cart we’d been riding in to the Taj Mahal. We had to buy him a new t-shirt and put him in the back of the van with the windows open for the entire trip back to New Delhi. Is it possible that his lack of Rehydrate consumption caused him to smell like a camel? Who knows, but we kept making fun of him for the rest of the journey, and he is still known as Stevel the Camel.

My personal experience with Rehydrate is consistent with these testimonials. It has proven to be extremely effective in keeping me hydrated during my travels. Rehydrate is always in my backpack when I’m exploring a bustling city in the summer heat or hiking to a secluded beach. It’s also been extremely useful for me during flights. I mix a Rehydrate packet with my water and sip it throughout the flight. This allows me to combat the dry cabin air and arrive at my destination hydrated and refreshed. My pilot brother is always carrying stick packs.

Finally, Rehydrate is more than just a drink. It’s a tool that can help travelers stay hydrated, no matter where their adventures take them. Its unique combination of electrolytes, carbohydrates, and antioxidants works to replenish the body’s lost minerals and prevent dehydration, making it a must-have for any travel routine.

How Spark Can Keep Travelers Energized

The thrill of travel often comes with the challenge of maintaining energy levels. Long flights, jet lag, and packed itineraries can leave us feeling drained. This is where Advocare’s Spark comes into play. A unique blend of 20 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, Spark is designed to provide a healthy, balanced source of energy, making it an invaluable tool for travelers.

Spark’s benefits are manifold. It provides a steady stream of energy, helping to combat the fatigue that often accompanies travel. Unlike many energy drinks that lead to a sudden crash, Spark’s energy boost is long-lasting, helping you stay energized throughout the day. It also enhances mental focus, a crucial benefit when navigating unfamiliar environments or juggling a busy travel schedule.

But perhaps the most significant benefit of Spark is its convenience. It comes in easy-to-carry packets that can be mixed with water, making it perfect for on-the-go consumption. Whether you’re on a long-haul flight, exploring a new city, or hiking up a mountain, Spark is there to provide the energy boost you need.

As a frequent traveler, I can personally attest to the benefits of Spark. On my trips, Spark has become an essential part of my routine. I start my day with a glass of Spark, which kickstarts my energy levels and helps me stay focused. During the day, especially when I’m out exploring, I rely on Spark for a quick energy boost. It helps me stay on top of my game, ensuring I’m able to make the most of my travels.

One particular instance stands out in my memory. I was on a trip to Europe, and the jet lag was hitting me hard. I was feeling tired and sluggish, and I had a full day of meetings ahead of me. I decided I needed a Spark, and the effect was almost immediate. I felt energized and focused, and I was able to complete the remaining 5 hours of meetings and presentations to my client. Since then, Spark has been a constant companion on my travels.

Spark is more than just an energy drink. It’s a tool that helps travelers stay energized and focused, no matter where their adventures take them. Its unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients provides a steady stream of energy, while its convenience makes it perfect for on-the-go consumption. As a traveler, I can confidently say that Spark has made a significant difference in my travels, helping me stay energized and make the most of my adventures.

How to Incorporate Rehydrate and Spark into Your Travel Routine

Advocare’s Rehydrate and Spark can be a game changer in your travel routine, keeping you hydrated and energized throughout your journey. Here are some pointers on how to do so effectively:

First and foremost, make a plan. Pack enough Rehydrate and Spark packets for your entire trip, plus a few extras just in case. These items are lightweight and take up little space in your luggage. Don’t forget to bring a reusable water bottle. My Yeti tumbler is always with me, and my wife always has her Hydroflask with her. These maintain the temperature of our drinks and encourage us to drink more water.

Second, develop a routine. I start my day with a glass of Spark to get my energy levels going. I keep a bottle of Rehydrate with me throughout the day, especially when I’m out exploring, to ensure I’m replenishing those vital electrolytes. When I travel, I double up on this routine, consuming them at least twice a day to compensate for the additional strain that travel places on the body.

Third, pay attention to your body. Because everyone’s needs differ, adjust your intake based on how you’re feeling. You may require more Rehydrate if you spend the day in the hot sun or engage in strenuous activity. If you’re feeling tired or jetlagged, a serving of Spark may provide the energy boost you require.

While Rehydrate and Spark are generally safe for most people, you should always consult your doctor if you have any health concerns. Also, keep in mind that, while these products can help you stay hydrated and energized, they are not a replacement for a healthy diet, enough sleep, and regular exercise.

Incorporating Rehydrate and Spark into your travel routine can help you stay at your peak performance level throughout your journey. They’ve made a big difference in my travels, and I’m confident they can do the same for you.

Wrapping it Up

As we reach the end of this journey together, it’s time to reflect on the key points we’ve discussed. Traveling is a thrilling experience, a chance to explore new places and immerse ourselves in different cultures. But to fully enjoy these experiences, it’s essential to stay hydrated and energized. This is where Advocare’s Rehydrate and Spark come into play. These two products have become an integral part of my daily routine, and they’ve made a significant difference in my travels.

Rehydrate is an electrolyte-replacement drink that helps replenish the minerals lost through sweat, making it perfect for those hot days exploring a new city or hiking up a mountain trail. Spark, on the other hand, is a unique blend of 20 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that work together to provide a healthy, balanced source of energy. It’s my secret weapon for combating jet lag and keeping up with my packed travel itinerary.

Incorporating these products into your travel routine can be a game-changer. I drink them daily, and when I’m on the road, I double up, consuming them at least twice a day. This helps me stay on top of my game, ensuring I’m hydrated and energized, ready to make the most of my travels.

As you plan your next vacation, I encourage you to consider trying Rehydrate and Spark. They’ve made a significant difference in my travels, and I believe they can do the same for you. You can purchase these products from Advocare’s website at If you select my wife as your distributor, I’ll write a personal post with tips for things to do on your next vacation.

I also invite you to share your own tips for staying hydrated and energized while traveling. Your experiences and insights can help others make the most of their travels. And who knows? Your tip might just be the game-changer someone else needs.

In closing, I’d like to mention two other Advocare products that have been beneficial for me, especially when it comes to sleep. Sleepworks and Clear Mood have been instrumental in helping me get a good night’s sleep, both on the plane and on the road. But that’s a story for another day.

Traveling is a journey, and like any journey, it’s not just about the destination but also about how we get there. Staying hydrated and energized is a crucial part of this journey. So, as you embark on your next adventure, remember to take care of your body. It’s the only one you have, and it’s the vehicle that allows you to explore this beautiful world we live in.